Sunday, March 11, 2012

Are Fire Sprinkler Systems Effective?

Recently, there was a case of a fire breakout in a hotel in Bangkok, resulting in 1 death and 20 odd injuries linked to the fire. The report from The Straits Times provides greater details here:

While it is unfortunate such an event took place, one would question what would be the effectiveness of such sprinkler systems in the event of a fire?

If you speak with any fire protection engineer, contractor or a fire officer, you will come to a summary of other factors that would minimise the effects of a fire (or in the worst case scenario, a fatality):

A) Ensure any addition and alteration works are approved by your country's relevant authorities including revised active fire protection designs;
B) Ensure your premises fire emergency plans are updated reflecting these changes to facilitate search and rescue;
C) Where possible or required, ensure such works are made known to your local fire authorities;
D) If your premises is considered a high occupancy loading, do ensure regular fire safety briefings are conducted or communicated to building occupants especially those performing interim fire fighting duties pending the arrival of the municipal fire brigade; and,
E) Perform ad hoc reviews of your fire protection plans to ensure code compliance as well as relevancy as part of good risk review.

Having approved and adequate active fire protection systems is one thing. Very often much attention should also be paid to fire prevention and consequence management.

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