Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HAZMAT Response: ARFF Capabilities

Hazmat Emergency Response Manual

Are you in an Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting (ie, ARFF) unit?

Is your unit's primary mission solely to respond to aviation incident and disasters?

To what extent does your ARFF unit respond and gets itself involved when it comes to "unique" situations?

These are some of the questions you'll need to ask yourself if you're a real ARFF responder. Seriously.

I recall my early days in my ARFF involvement, when I was briefed on our unit's roles, response and capabilities. Throughout the training, I was often drilled to respond soley (and mainly) to aircraft incidents, and a lesser aspect with regards to structural fire scenarios. Had it not been for my earlier training with the local city civil defence where structural fire-fighting and special incidents' response was part of my bread and butter, I'd probably be shivering right now, thinking of what flies on board those passenger and military aircraft on a daily basis.

Having basic knowledge of hazardous materials' response (HAZMAT) versus full experience and response know-how does make a BIG difference to life and death not just to your clients, but also to your fellow fire-fighters.

Having HAZMAT suits and owning the latest detection and monitoring device is just one part of the response and mitigation formula. Having adequate knowledge as well as practical training and full competency forms the greater part of this common sense equation.

Because of this sole reason, I'm therefore a serious advocate when it comes to drills relating to HAZMAT response. Not just doing the basics, but right up to foreseeable multiple HAZMAT scenarios.

What about your organisations'?

What is your response capability to HAZMAT incidents?

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