Thursday, May 14, 2009

One Week On...

It's been nearly a week plus or so, since my country initiated DORSCON Alert "Orange" and since then, has already scaled down to Alert "Yellow".

What does this mean?

Essentially, national resources would not be as strained as before, with more of these resources and other government efforts devouted to other much more critical tasks. Internally as an organisation, you can definitely say that the fear and stress level has gone down at least a few notches down.

As a emergency response division within my organisation (in case you're not aware I'm currently in the aviation industry), resumption of daily training in terms of physical aspects has also gone back up to normal level as well. However, PPE items such as BA face masks still need to be constantly sterilised and witnessed by the Station Officer.

Yep, drills are back to ops normal now.

Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope everything turns out well.

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