Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get The "Emergency Response Guidebook 2012" Now

For those of us entrusted with the responsibilities and duty to protect and save lives and property, you'll know what the ERG is meant to do.

For those who aren't in the know, the ERG in summary is a quick reference guidebook for frontline responders activated to manage a HAZMAT incident. And yes, it is also a must have tool if you're entrusted to oversee or perform WSH or OSH programmes.

Although published by the United States Department of Transportation, this guidebook is applicable wherever you are on Earth.

For a video introduction of what the latest 2012 ERG is about, view here:

Emergency Response Guidebook 2012 Video

To download a full electronic copy, here's the link (thanks to the International Association of Emergency Management for providing this link):

Download ERG 2012 Here

Monday, May 28, 2012

Never Assume the Nearest Amenities

In a recent road traffic accident involving a high speed Ferrari and a passenger taxi resulting in 3 fatalities in a popular spot in Singapore, members of the public were quick to point out and query why in the world weren't the casualties sent to the nearest private hospital which was just 3 minutes drive away.

While it seemed the most logical thing to do, the reality is that not every medical facility is just as well equipped as every other medical institution. In this instance, the fatal injuries sustained by the casualties would not have been "salvageable" nor stabilized adequately if they were initially sent to this nearest medical facility. As a result, the responding paramedic crew made the logical decision to convey the casualties to another further (but better equipped) hospital.

While the above sighting may not be similar or "acceptable" in approach in your respective countries, this goes to show that when we plan medical coverage support from related agencies in our emergency response plans, considerations like these must be clearly thought through and confirmed. Never assume that the nearest mutual aid support is just 5 minutes drive away or that they will surely deploy full staffing just to tend to your situation.

Personally, I know that I've now got to relook at my current plans to ensure such planning assumptions are accurate!

See full story covered by The straits Times here: Fire Service EMS