Thursday, April 30, 2009

Swine Flu (aka H1N1 virus) Preparation

Currently as I write this post, my country's been upgraded to DORSCON Alert "Orange" in response to WHO's upgrading of the (now known as) H1N1 flu pandemic virus.

At my station, we've stepped up the relevant preparedness measures in accordance to my organisation's business continuity plan.

These steps include:

a) Screening all incoming reporting duty crew and isolating them in a designated isolation room if signs of fever or flu like symptoms are observed.

b) Suspension of all forms of scheduled physical training (with hte exception of classroom lectures and tutorials).

c) All ambulance crew to respond with surgical gloves and N95 mask.

d) Preparation for possible conversion to a 2 Team shift system

That's basically what I can say here as the rest are rather specfic in nature and yes, confidential as well.

What's your organisation or unit doing? Fire Service EMS