Monday, March 30, 2009

Welcome to "Emergency Command"!

Emergency Responder....Good day!

It's taken me quite a while to proceed with setting up this blog site.

The main reason being that I'm not really that comfortable in blogging and more often, folks like us tend to be more 'operational' or (for some of us) more 'hands on' in our approach to problem solving. Anyway, I figured that since I've been in this industry for quite awhile, I felt that I may have something to share for anyone who may also be in the emergency response industry, or maybe considering a career in this exciting and often, highly rewarding industry.

Wait...'highly rewarding'? Well, that depends on how you look at this industry as well as the specific nature of your work involvement in this field of emergency response. Whether you come from the military, homeland security, allied health industry, police, civil defence, or the fire brigade, there will be ups and downs in your career. But most importantly, its the sense of achievement that I believe keeps most of us here going all this while.

As this site grows (and depending on my time available, seriously), you can expect to see various topics pertaining to emergency response planning, management, business continuity, or other related fields being discussed or featured here.

And if you're looking into certain materials that maybe useful in your information dissemination at your various workplaces, you may expect to find them here as well. And yes... if you're a trainer in the field of EM, do let me know and we may have it featured here as well.

Till then... "Standyby for announcement!" Fire Service EMS